How to cancel a dispute for the Trade Assurance order?

A case can be canceled at any time before a resolution is reached. Once a case is canceled, it cannot be reopened. Cases can only be submitted within 30 days of order receipt confirmation.

To cancel the dispute, please follow below steps:

1. Go to "Orders" - "All Orders", find the order, and click 'View Refund Application' to go to dispute detail page.
How to cancel a dispute for the Trade Assurance order?

How to cancel a dispute for the Trade Assurance order?

2. Click 'Cancel Refund Request' on the dispute detail page.

How to cancel a dispute for the Trade Assurance order?

How to cancel a dispute for the Trade Assurance order?

How to cancel a dispute for the Trade Assurance order?

What's the dispute process for Trade Assurance order?

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