What should I do if the inspection report indicates a failed or pending status?

1. If the inspection report shows a pending status, you can view the pending results and decide if the identified points are acceptable and can proceed to shipment.

2. If the inspection report shows a failed status, you can review the documents and negotiate with the supplier on the relevant production issues or product replacement or request for a new inspection to be carried out to ensure the product quality is acceptable for shipment.

Inspection Results:




The inspection meets all of the quality standards as agreed and set out in the contract, and has passed the AQL and on-site test.


The shipment is awaiting approval and requires an evaluation by the client; the inspector does not have all the corresponding documents to perform the inspection; or the inspector is limited by certain conditions/equipment to perform the on-site test.


The inspection does not meet the quality standards as agreed and set out in the contract, or the inspection has exceeded the AQL or failed the on-site test.


1. Supplier requested to amend inspection date or cancel inspection service on the day of inspection.
2. The production status did not meet the inspection requirements when the inspector arrived at the inspection location.
3. The space between the products was not sufficient enough for the inspector to select products at random.
4. Other circumstances existed that prevented the inspector from performing the inspection service.

Get more service help:

For help in relation to Inspection Service, please contact: [email protected].
For help in relation to Production Monitoring Service, please contact: [email protected].


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