How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Step 1: Place an order for the Inspection Service

Currently, the inspection service can only be added to a Trade Assurance order. There are several methods to add an inspection to your order.

Method 1: Ask the supplier to add the service when they draft the Trade Assurance order.
How do I add the inspection service to my order?
How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Method 2: The buyer can also add the inspection service when the Trade Assurance order is being drafted on the order management page.
How do I add the inspection service to my order?

How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Method 3: Before shipment, the buyer can also add the service on the order details page, and pay the inspection fee separately. You will need to obtain agreement from the supplier, and book the service at least seven working days before shipment.
How do I add the inspection service to my order?

How do I add the inspection service to my order?

After the inspection order has been placed, you can check the inspector's contact information, and follow the status of the inspection on your order details page.

How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Step 2: Make your payment
How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Step 3: Check the status

You can check the status of your Inspection Service by finding your order in “My orders”.
How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Step 4: Check the report

After the Inspection Service has been completed, a report will be generated and should be available for your review on the Trade Assurance order details page within one to two business days.
To find the report, go to "All orders," click "View more," and go to the "Product Inspection Service" section. You can download the report, or view it online.
How do I add the inspection service to my order?

Step 5: Leave feedback

Go to “My orders” to find the order, then under the “Product Inspection Service” section, click “Service Review”.
How do I add the inspection service to my order?


1.Please make sure to book the Service and complete your payment at least seven working days before the shipment date of your Trade Assurance order.

2.If you need more information about the inspection service, please email [email protected].

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