What is the Trade Assurance service?

Trade Assurance is a free service offered by Alibaba.com, designed to help build up trust between buyers and suppliers. It minimizes risk by guaranteeing money back in the event of a supplier failing to meet the terms of the order contract - including delivery delays, quality and quantity discrepancies or other processing problems.

You'll be covered if:

- Your products are not shipped on time as per the order contract

- Your products do not meet the quality standards as per the order contract

 If dissatisfied with the order, you can apply for refund. If supplier agrees on your refund request, payment will be returned. If not, alibaba will step in to arbitrate.

To learn more about this service, click here.


Contacts and support channels for Alibaba.com customer service team, including email and live chat support, social media contacts, a knowledge base, and community forum.