How do I cancel a Trade Assurance order?

If you no longer wish to continue the Trade Assurance order, please contact your supplier and try to reach agreement first.
Whether the order can be cancelled depends on the order status.
1. For orders unpaid, please sign into All Orders, click "Cancel Order" button on the order detail page to cancel the order directly.
How do I cancel a Trade Assurance order?
Note: If your order need to be cancelled due to order information changed without mutual agreement, please follow the steps here to submit a complaint.
2. For orders in payment processing, it can not be cancelled until payment arrives. Please wait patiently for payment arrival.
3. For orders paid and waiting for supplier to ship,  please sign into All Orders, click "Apply for refund" on order detail page to close order. You and your supplier need reach agreement for the order cancellation. If no agreement reached, Alibaba will step in to help handle the case after case escalation. View more information here.
How do I cancel a Trade Assurance order?

4. For orders shipped and waiting for delivery confirmation, please sign into All Orders, click "Apply for refund" on order detail page to close order. You and your supplier need reach agreement for the order cancellation. If no agreement reached, Alibaba will step in to help handle the case after case escalation. View more information here.
How do I cancel a Trade Assurance order?

5. For orders shipped but unpaid, there is 'cancel order' button on seller's end. Buyer needs to contact seller to cancel order.

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