How do I place a Trade Assurance order?

Both you and your supplier can place Trade Assurance order. Please find below methods of placing order by yourself.

Method 1:
1. Find the product or supplier that supports Trade Assurance service at
2. Click 'Start Order' on the product detail page or at supplier's minisite.
How do I place a Trade Assurance order?
How do I place a Trade Assurance order?

Method 2:

Click 'Order with Trade Assurance' on homepage and place order. How do I place a Trade Assurance order?
In this way, you could choose to Add Products or Add Contract directly.
How do I place a Trade Assurance order?

Method 3:
Go to OrdersAll Orders, and click Draft Trade Assurance Order.

How do I place a Trade Assurance order?

How do I place a Trade Assurance order?

In this way, you could also choose to Add Products or Add Contract directly.
How do I place a Trade Assurance order?

After submission, the order status will be Waiting for supplier to confirm order. And you can only make the payment after their confirmation.
You could manage your order on Order Management page.

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How do I contact suppliers?

Contacts and support channels for customer service team, including email and live chat support, social media contacts, a knowledge base, and community forum.