How do I unsubscribe from your mail list?

If you don't want to receive notification emails from any more, please follow below steps to unsubscribe:
1. Please sign into My Account-Email Services.

How do I unsubscribe from your mail list?

2. Click the switch button one by one to unsubscribe. When it shows "OFF", it means you have unsubscribed successfully. If you want to be removed completely from the mail list, please click Unsubscribe All at the botton of the page and it takes 48 hours to update your setting.
How do I unsubscribe from your mail list?

If you have already unsubscribed but still receive emails continuously from Alibaba, please save the email and contact our Customer Service Team.
If the email to unsubscribe is from suppliers, please add the supplier‘s email address to your blacklist.

Contacts and support channels for customer service team, including email and live chat support, social media contacts, a knowledge base, and community forum.