How do I report IPR infringement?

If your brand or any other intellectual property rights (IPR for short) have been copied and published by others without your consent, please submit your complaint here. Our Legal Department will handle it.
Note: our AliProtect system account is independent from sign account. Please register a new account to submit complaints.

1. Submit IPR Info by clicking "IPR submission"
How do I report IPR  infringement?

After submission, we will view your document within 3 working days. You can edit your document by clicking on IPR management later.

2. Submit a complaint on Products Listings you want to report by clicking "submit a complaint", choose "" platform.
How do I report IPR  infringement?

Then you will be guided to search for the listings as below picture. Choose either way to find products to complaint about.

How do I report IPR  infringement?

How do I report IPR  infringement?

How do I report IPR  infringement?
After submitting the complaint, our IPR team will look into your report within 7 working days and get back to you.

To review the IPR complaint process, you can check it under History Tag.
How do I report IPR  infringement?

Contacts and support channels for customer service team, including email and live chat support, social media contacts, a knowledge base, and community forum.